A feral cat or a stray cat is an unowned domestic cat, usually discarded by ignorant humans, that lives outdoors and mostly avoids human contact.
Some feral cats may become more comfortable with people who regularly feed them, but even with long-term attempts at socialization, they usually remain aloof.
BUT, it’s not impossible to socialize a feral cat.
Many feral cats are dumped due to family situations like allergies or lack of money to care for the cats.
Some of these cats are very friendly and can be adopted if we find them quickly enough.
Attempts to control feral cat populations are widespread. Many groups and individuals trap, neuter, and feed these colonies at their own expense.
Some animal rights groups, as well as Furever Feline Cat Rescue, advocate trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs to prevent feral cats from continuing to breed. This works great until an unresponsible owner dumps an unfixed cat in a feral colony, then breeding starts again.
One of the biggest issues with maintaining these colonies is feeding them. Most feeders use paper or plastic plates and/or trays that get destroyed or thrown away after one use. This is unsustainable.
These feedings can also attract other animals, such as larger cats, dogs, wolves, raccoons, rats, possums, etc.
We called this one #3
Cute Rescue Kittens
Yes, I am adorable
Kittens from feral mothers